I hope you are prepared for a big portion of cuteness overdose, as I have selected the best out of the best from what animals you can commonly find around Iceland
They are all over the place, probably more towards the South
but before....what about some horseback riding in Akureyri?
We booked our 1h horse tour with Polar Hestar as we had some discount from the hostel (H.I. Hostel) where we were staying. I think if I remember correctly it was 5400 ISK (compared to 6000 ISK). We are all biginner level, I did some horseback riding before, but very limited
it depends on mainly 2 things
Puffins are those tiny birds that look somehow like penguins.....but I heard we should never talk about Penguins in front of Puffins, as Puffins think Penguins are over promoted and they are not ;)
Well.......i LOOOOOOVE puffins so it was an amazing experience to see them around. Dyrholaey Arch
our first encounter with them was in our 2nd night in Dyrholaey Arch. Unfortunately they were far far away and very hard to take pictures of them. I have a Sony a5100 and with the lens of 55x210mm only managed to get below pictures, but still...here they were the cute little ones.