There are so many cute and insta-perfect spots in the area of Cappadocia I had to make a post out of it. Check them out :)
On top of the balloon flight which is a must when going to Cappadocia, there is quite a lot else to see. There are several torus organized bringing you around the area. Bare in mind that tou can do the balloon flight and one of the tours in the same day (time wise)
This is for sure one of the most amazing experiences out there. I am sure that there are many others but, this one needs to be high on anyone's list.
It was December and Dana and I were brainstorming what to get as a B-day present to Alexandra who was turning 30. With the change of prefix it had to be something awesome, memorable so that it will stay in her memory forever. We realized in the last years, that more and more we tend to appreciate experiences with family and friends rather than gifts as presents and so it came to me one day scrolling through the Instagram feed: CAPPADOCIA. The rest is history ;-)
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