London is on the top of the list of Street art cities around the world, and I think there is no surprise there. As the walls are constantly changing might make no sense to share locations over here, but at least you can get a bit of an overview what was around London streets in 2018.
If you fancy Streetart but maybe not really up for walking through the city to find it, this type of event is best to satisfy your curiosity. now you can check it out in a "museum". I know, museum is a lot said, but a former Supermarket (Delhaize) was transformed in an expo for StreetArt. It will be opened from Wednesday to Sunday for coursios people to check it out. Please keep an eye on the Project Link to ensure accurate information.
At the initiative of streetartfestivalbelgium, Hasselt is a city that has some streetart pieces to be really proud of.
There is a looooot of streetart in Valencia and one of the biggest contributers is Julieta_xlf
There are rarely big murals, but Ljubljana has street art everywhere, you don't even need to pay a lot of attention.
Leuven seems to be slowly getting more and more street art around, and I am very happy for that :). Below some of the walls you can find around.
It's been a while now I want to check out this street. I saw it the first time from the train which I take every day to work and I was always like, on a sunny day I will pass by to check it out. As the sunny day in Belgium was hard to find, I just went on a random weekend to explore. Here what I found
One of the first things I do once I know my new destination is to check out the street art culture of that place, and I was extremely happy to read that Ljubljana has a quite amazing culture when it comes to street art. One of the places that is very popular with street art is the autonomous social center, Metelkova which is right in the city center.
The city of Mechelen in Belgium together with a local graffiti designer, Gijs Vanhee decided to work on a project called "Mechelen Muur". At this project 10 other graffiti creators participated to change the face of the city. They choose several walls from the city and decorated them with stunning pieces of art.
Unfortunately I did not get to see all the murals in the city but I will put pictures I took from the ones I saw adding the address. I discovered on YouTube that there are the cool making of from all the graffiti so I added the video. I will add only name and street of the murals I did not see and hopefully I'll get to see them net time I'll be in Mechelen. Enjoy the stunning pieces of art! The Gift - Gijs Vanhee, Adegemstraat
Gijs Vanhee is a graphis designer from Mechelen and as mentioned the initiator of Mechelen Muurt. Below you can see the making of of his amazing pieces of art
One of the Things to do when in Prague is to pass by the wall dedicated to John Lennon.
The wall is very close by the Charles Bridge Address: Velkoprevorske namesti,100 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic |